目前分類:書蟲書語 (10)

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my dirty life  (中英文的封面所差無幾,只有文字而已)


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最近很快速的購書5本, 登勒


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8/7 北上,順便去拿網購的書,去了,就順便挑了一堆。  (真是太順便了。賺錢有花錢這麼順便就好了)

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2010/7月 除了購書(博客來曬書節6本- 佛洛伊德為大宗),還有從諮商室隨手拿來幾本不錯的書籍,等待我翻閱,細讀。

1. 愛的序位 伯特海寧格(德)

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amandacx 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Yes, its the begining of the year, but the 1st season has almost gone in the figertips... I have to write it down and make a list of them while I still remember...
每年都想寫,都有整理,但是都沒有好好紀錄,眼見今年一晃眼就過了一季了耶,我還是趕快記下來吧。博客來是不會為我保留太久的~ 2010/03/23

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2009 is almost over, I decided to look back and write down things that impressed me the most or has great impact on me. This note will go on and hopefully finish by the end of this year.

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